purpose. passion. faith.
my story.
From a very young age, I had always dreamed to be a singer. I had a vision set before me, one where I could sing onstage with lyrics that represent who I am as a message to impact the lives of those around me. The songs I write are a testament to not just who I am, how I feel, and my own story, but they are a reflection of my heart.
about me.
my mission.
I hope to impact whoever comes across my music and inspire teens across the globe, showing that no matter what age they are, they are capable of accomplishing their dreams.
my commitment.
My hard work and effort, paired with the time and dedication to fulfilling my dream, makes me more than qualified to commit to any responsibility.
my values.
Singing is not just a hobby, it is my life. Because I believe that my purpose is to inspire, shape, and encourage the world, my values are quite simple: the passion to keep going no matter what, and the faith that through God, I can accomplish whatever He has in store for me.
my projects.
I am currently in the process of working on my debut album, "eventually.," which I hope to be released soon, but not too soon. After all, the best work takes the most time.
Savanna Morris
Contact Information:
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialsavannamorris
Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/officialsavannamorris
BandLab: www.bandlab.com/xgirl1
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-831019808
Virmedius Records